2019 | European Chemical Society Lecture Award |
2019 | ERC Consolidator research grant (PE5) |
2018 | “Prime d’encadrement et de recherche” from the CNRS |
2016 | Award from the French Chemical Society, division of Solid State Chemistry |
2015 | Award for the scientific image from région Ile de France – Palais de la Découverte |
2014 | “Prime d’encadrement et de recherche” from the CNRS |
2013 | Participant of the 63rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (625 attendees for 22000 applicants) |
2008 | Laureate of the Excellence CNRS – Max Planck Society postdoctoral program for Nanomaterials |
2005 | PhD fellowship from Ecole Normale Supérieure and Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieure et de la Recherche |
2001 | 4 years fellowship at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (20 fellowships for 1000 applications) |
2022 | Edouard DE ROLLAND DALON | Award of the PhD student talk at the International Symposium on Boron, Borides and related materials, Paris |
2022 | Yang SONG | PhD thesis award of the French Chemical Society, Division of Solid-State Chemistry |
2021 | Fernando IGOA SALDAÑA | Poster Prize at the C'Nano Interdisciplinary Summerschool of Nanosciences, Erquy, France |
2020 | Nathaly ORTIZ PENA | PhD thesis prize from University of Strasbourg |
2017 | Alexandre HERVE | Prestige EU postdoctoral fellowship |
2017 | Tsou-Hsi Camille CHAN-CHANG | French Chemical Society, Laureate of the photographs contest #MaChimieSCF |
2016 | Guillaume GOUGET | DIM Nano-K, Best PhD thesis Award, section Applied Research |
2016 | Rémi GROSJEAN | French Chemical Society, Grant for attending the Euchems meeting, Sevilla |