Two new doctors from the group!

Time has flown since last post! We were too busy with many things. First, Edouard and Daniel successfully and brilliantly defended their theses in September-October! Congrats to them. It was a pleasure to work with them and we wish them success in their future carriers!

Review on geo-inspired materials synthesis

State-of-the-art synthesis pathways to inorganic materials and nanomaterials are presented in the light of their relationship with geosciences, showing how geological phenomena can inspire innovative synthesis methods and materials.

Geoinspired syntheses of materials and nanomaterials, D. portehault*, I. Gómez-Recio, M. A. Baron, V. Musumeci, C. Aymonier, V. Rouchon, Y. Le Godec, Chemical Society Reviews, 51, 4828 (2022)

Two papers on crystallization mechanisms

We have joined the efforts of Prof. Sylvie Begin-Colin and Prof. Ovidiu Ersen at IPCMS Strasbourg to shed more light on the processes at play during colloidal synthesis of iron oxide nanocrystals. In situ transmission electron microscopy reveals that molecular precursors self-assemble into vesicles, in which nanocrystals nucleate.

In situ liquid transmission electron microscopy reveals self-assembly-driven nucleation in radiolytic synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles in organic media, N. Ortiz Peña, D. Ihiawakrim, S. Creţu, G. Cotin, C. Kiefer, S. Begin-Colin, C. Sanchez, D. Portehault, O. Ersen, Nanoscale, 14, 10950 (2022)

A Confinement‐Driven Nucleation Mechanism of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles Obtained via Thermal Decomposition in Organic Media, G. Cotin, B. Heinrich, F. Perton, C. Kiefer, G. Francius, D. Mertz, B. Freis, B. Pichon, J.‐M. Strub, S. Cianférani, N. Ortiz Peña, D. Ihiawakrim, D. Portehault, O. Ersen, A. Khammari, M. Picher, F. Banhart, C. Sanchez, S. Begin‐Colin, Small, 18, 2200414 (2022)

Highlight from ILL

Our work where we used powder neutron diffraction to study Mn(V) oxide apatites with Universidad Complutense de Madrid has been highlighted by ILL!

The highlight is here

The original work: Hydroxyapatites as Versatile Inorganic Hosts of Unusual Pentavalent Manganese Cations, A. Varela, I. Gómez-Recio, L. Serrador, M. Hernando, E. Matesanz, A. Torres-Pardo, M. T. Fernández-Díaz, J. L. Martínez, F. Gonell, G. Rousse, C. Sanchez, C. Laberty-Robert, D. Portehault, J. M. González-Calbet, M. Parras, Chemistry of Materials, 32, 10584 (2020)

Conference in Paris

We’ll have the pleasure to host, with Prof. Nathalie Vast (Ecole Polytechnique) and Jean-François Halet (NIMS-LINK), ISBB2022, the 21st International Symposium on Boron, Borides and related materials. The conference will be held in Jussieu campus, in Quartier Latin, in September 2022.

More details there:

New papers during last months

During the last months we have published some papers where we dig in several topics:

Chemistry of silicon-based nanomaterials, from Yang’s work:

Combining nanoparticles with metallurgical processes to design new composites, from Binghua’s work:

New group members!

The group has evolved quite a lot over the last months. We wish a lot of success for the future to Guillaume and Yang who have brilliantly defended their thesis!

And… we welcome the new generation who arrived during the last weeks: Marzena is a new postdoc, geoscientist and interesting in structural transformations in nanomaterials, Emile is master student working on layered materials, Ambroise deals with perovskite oxide nanocatalysts, and Daniel is PhD candidate at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, visiting us for 2 months for nanoscale oxide synthesis.