New positions available!

We have looking for Ph.D. candidates and a postdoctoral fellow! If interested, please contact david.portehault[at] :

Open position for a doctoral school application:

Open position, already funded, for materials discovery assisted by artificial intelligence, in the frame of PEPR-DIADEM MADNESS project:

We are looking for candidates willing to engage in an application for an MSCA fellowship. The team has experience in such applications (successful application in 2024 for an incoming postdoctoral fellow), and sorbonne University provides close support and training for the application (details here and here ):

The group evolves!

Strong changes and renewals in the group: We wish farewell to Marzena, Daniel and Edouard, and we welcome our new members, Natalia, Preeti and Sushil!

Two new doctors from the group!

Time has flown since last post! We were too busy with many things. First, Edouard and Daniel successfully and brilliantly defended their theses in September-October! Congrats to them. It was a pleasure to work with them and we wish them success in their future carriers!

Highlight from ILL

Our work where we used powder neutron diffraction to study Mn(V) oxide apatites with Universidad Complutense de Madrid has been highlighted by ILL!

The highlight is here

The original work: Hydroxyapatites as Versatile Inorganic Hosts of Unusual Pentavalent Manganese Cations, A. Varela, I. Gómez-Recio, L. Serrador, M. Hernando, E. Matesanz, A. Torres-Pardo, M. T. Fernández-Díaz, J. L. Martínez, F. Gonell, G. Rousse, C. Sanchez, C. Laberty-Robert, D. Portehault, J. M. González-Calbet, M. Parras, Chemistry of Materials, 32, 10584 (2020)

EuChemS Lecture Award!

David received the 2019 EuChemS Lecture Award! That’s a great honour recognizing the efforts of our group, the collaborative framework within the lab and all collaborators. Thanks to everyone, and see you for the actual lecture, beginning of 2021.

ERC Consolidator grant

The project GENESIS has been granted by the ERC. This is a great honour to receive this grant. In this project, I will gather current synthesis skills and buid new ones in order to explore new nanomaterials and new inorganic solids for energy conversion and catalysis, by focusing on boron, silicon and phosphorus compounds. See the press release, CNRS release and list of recipients.

Stay tuned, positions opening in the next weeks! Informal inquiries are welcome.

New member

We welcome Edouard, new master 2 internship, who will explore new compositions of boron-based solids at the nanoscale!