New position

A new position is opened in the group for a motivated master student (M2 – 6 months). Topic: nanoparticles synthesis – intermetallics – energy conversion.

Please write me for details. All applications welcome!

New comers!


We warmly welcome our two new PhD students: Guillaume funded by the French National Agency for Research, and Yang funded by the Chinese Scholarship Council and the Innitiative of Excellence Labex MATISSE. Lots of exciting research in the pipeline!

Electrocatalysis with new two-dimensional nano-oxides

Our new work with UCMadrid and José M. González-Calbet’s group is out in Chemistry of Materials! Another example of this fruitful collaboration for the design of functional nanoscaled oxides, this time  in aqueous media. Congrats to Alberto and Francisco for their really nice work.

A. Azor, M. L. Ruiz-González, F. Gonell, C. Laberty-Robert, M. Parras, C.Sanchez, D.Portehault,* and J. M. González-Calbet*, Nickel-doped sodium cobaltite 2D nanomaterials: synthesis and electrocatalytic properties, High pressures pathway toward boron-based nanostructured solids, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b01146

Extreme pressures in Dalton Transactions

Our new paper appears in Dalton Transactions! Very proud of this work by Rémi Grosjean and Simon Delacroix, the first joint multidisciplinary study with my physicist colleague Yann Le Godec. Hopefully the beginning of a long story, initiated by Labex MATISSE and CNRS.

R. Grosjean, Y. Le Godec, S. Delacroix, G. Gouget, P. Beaunier, O. Ersen, D. Ihiawakrim, O. Kurakevych, C. Chaneac  D. Portehault, High pressures pathway toward boron-based nanostructured solids, DOI: 10.1039/C8DT00932E